Friday, 26 September 2008

Tesman annoying you, uh?

So I'm done reading Hedda Gabler, but I'll keep my blog posts chronological to where we are in class as not to give anything away.
But what I really want to talk about is Mr. Tesman. Through act one, he comes off as a pretty nice guy, wanting the best for his new wife, Hedda. It's clear that he cares for everyone introduced in the act, his aunts, Hedda, his friends, and thats just great, but... he has this incredible habit of forming everything he says into a question, ending in either "uh?" or "hm?" I can't stand this, he just won't stop groaning and humming. And then when he's not asking questions, he's exclaiming exclamations, imagine! uh, hm, imagine, uh, hm, imagine, over and over and over. his reasoning for all of this? maybe he likes hearing other peoples feelings on different situations, and maybe he says "imagine" all the time because he thinks life is incredibly exciting and should be celebrated in this way. either way, i find his repetition to be just that, repetitious, especially for an "accomplished author" planning on writing a new book and becoming a professor. ugh?


Laura =) said...

Yeah, I agree that his constant uh's can get a little annoying. But I think it's just because he wants people to listen to what he has to say and pay attention to him. And I can see how his endless enthusiasm for life can be really irratating, but I guess I'd rather have a character like that than a depressed, boring character. But I thought it was interesting that you said out that he was an important writer, professor, etc. and he still acts like a little kid. That was a good point.

Dorito said...

I thought I was the only one to notice how annoying George was until we talked about it in class, but i liked your take on how he should have more to say considering he is a great author.

cmosier said...

yea i definitely found those uh's annoying, and i think it shows tesman's lack of confidence in himself, hes always questioning everything, or asking for feedback or something! plus that shows more how hedda can just completely control him...

dchou said...

definitely- he likes leaving his statements off in questions, and is surprised when things go his way. He seems willing to do anything for Hedda, and all he wants is her approval of his actions, because perhaps he feels like he doesn't deserve hedda, or that their marriage is a fluke.

DEE-LESS said...

This guy just pisses me the..well you get my point. How the hell can Hedda stay with him, even with him going to be a professor, jcould you stay marry to him, I don't think its possible,

lol, imagine what Wagner would say.